Check out the list of undergraduate research courses below, sorted by college.
For a more complete course description, contact your college or consult the AU Bulletin.
College of Agriulture
AGEC 4980: Undergraduate Research
AGEC 4997: Honors Thesis
ANSC 4970: Special Topics in Animal Sciences
ANSC 4980: Undergraduate Research
ANSC 4997: Honors Thesis
CSES 4997: Honors Thesis
ENTM 4980: Undergraduate Research
ENTM 4997: Honors Thesis
ENVI 4980: Undergraduate Research
FISH 4900: Directed Studies in Fisheries
FISH 4980: Undergraduate Research
FISH 4997: Honors Thesis
HORT 4930: Directed Studies
HORT 4980: Undergraduate Research
HORT 4997: Honors Thesis
PLPA 4980: Undergraduate Research
PLPA 4997: Honors Thesis
POUL 4100: Supervised Investigation
POUL 4980: Undergraduate Research
College of Architecture, Design and Construction
ARCH 4900: Directed Studies
ARCH 4997: Honors Thesis
ARCH 5991: Research Thesis
BSCI 4990: Building Science Thesis
GDES 4900: Directed Studies in Graphic Design
GDES 4990: Senior Project in Graphic Design
GDES 4991: Research, Writing and Presentation
ENVD 4010: Environmental Design Elements
INDD 4997: Honors Thesis
Raymond J. Harbert College of Business
ACCT 4900: Directed Studies
ACCT 4997: Honors Thesis
AVMG 4997: Honors Thesis
BUSI 4970: Capstone Project I: Design Proposal
BUSI 4980: Product/Process Design and Development II
FINC 4900: Directed Studies
FINC 4997: Honors Thesis
ISMN 5960: Special Problems
MKTG 4900: Directed Studies
MKTG 4997: Honors Thesis
MNGT 4950: Seminar in Management
MNGT 4997: Honors Thesis
SCMN 4900: Directed Studies in Supply Chain Management
College of Education
ADED 4900: Independent Study
CTCT 4900: Directed Studies
CTEC 4900: Directed Studies
CTEE 4900: Directed Studies
CTEE 4997: Honors Thesis
CTMU 4900: Directed Studies
CTMU 4997: Honors Thesis
CTRD 4900: Directed Studies
CTSE 4900: Directed Studies
CTSE 4970: Special Topics
CTSE 4997: Honors Thesis
KINE 4760: Introduction to Exercise Science Research
KINE 4780: Exercise Science Research
KINE 4900: Directed Studies
KINE 4980: Undergraduate Research
KINE 4997: Honors Thesis
RSED 4900: Directed Studies
RSED 4973: Special Topics
CTEC 4997: Honors Thesis
CTMD 4900: Directed Studies
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
BSEN 4980: Undergraduate Research
BSEN 4997: Honors Thesis
CHEN 4470: Process Design Practice
CHEN 4930: Directed Studies
CHEN 4970: Special Topics in Chemical Engineering
CHEN 4980: Undergraduate Research
CHEN 4997: Honors Thesis
CIVL 4960: Special Problems
CIVL 4997: Honors Thesis
COMP 4997: Honors Thesis
ELEC 4997: Honors Thesis
ENGR 4970: Product/Process Design and Development I
ENGR 4980: Product/Process Design and Development II
INSY 4970: Industrial and Systems Engineering Special Topics
INSY 4997: Honors Thesis
MATL 4930: Directed Studies
MATL 4980: Senior Design Project
MATL 4997: Honors Thesis
MECH 4240: Comprehensive Design I
MECH 4250: Comprehensive Design II
MECH 4930: Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering
MECH 4997: Honors Thesis
PFEN 4997: Honors Thesis
FOEN 4997: Honors Thesis
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
FORY 4930: Industrial Wood Procurement Practicum
FORY 4970: Special Topics
FORY 4980: Senior Capstone Project
FORY 4990: Scholars Project
FORY 4997: Honors Thesis
FOWS 4980: Undergraduate Research
WILD 4930: Directed Studies
WILD 4967: Honors Special Problems
WILD 4997: Honors Thesis
Honors College
HONR 3987: Honors Research Seminar
College of Human Sciences
CADS 4980: Undergraduate Research
CADS 4997: Honors Thesis
FDSC 4980: Undergraduate Research
HDFS 3980: Undergraduate Research and Study
HDFS 4950: Advanced Seminar
HDFS 4980: Advanced Undergraduate Research
HDFS 4997: Honors Thesis
NTRI 4930: Directed Studies
NTRI 4980: Undergraduate Research and Study
NTRI 4997: Honors Thesis
College of Liberal Arts
ANTH 4997: Honors Thesis
ARTS 4930: Directed Studies
ARTS 4997: Honors Research and Thesis
CMDS 4930: Directed Studies
CMDS 4997: Honors Thesis
COMM 4930: Directed Studies in Communication
COMM 4997: Honors Thesis
ECON 4997: Honors Thesis
ENGL 4997: Honors Thesis
FLFR 4930: Advanced Directed Study
FLFR 4980: French Senior Capstone
FLGR 4980: Senior Capstone
FLNG 4997: Honors Thesis
FLSP 4980: Senior Capstone
HADM 4930: Directed Studies
HADM 4950: Capstone Seminar
HIST 4950: Senior Thesis
HIST 4997: Honors Thesis
JRNL 4930: Directed Studies
JRNL 4997: Honors Thesis
MDIA 4930: Directed Studies
MUSI 4700: Senior Thesis/Project
MUSI 4930: Directed Study
PHIL 4997: Honors Thesis
POLI 3980: Undergraduate Research
POLI 4930: Directed Studies
POLI 4997: Honors Thesis
PRCM 4400: Public Relations Research
PSYC 3910: Supervised Research Exeperience
PSYC 4930: Directed Studies
PSYC 4997: Honors Research and Thesis
RSOC 4930: Directed Studies
SOCY 4997: Honors Thesis
SOWO 4950: Senior Investigative Seminar
SOWO 4997: Honors Thesis
THEA 4930: Directed Studies
THEA 4980: Senior Capstone Project
THEA 4997: Honors Thesis
School of Nursing
NURS 4900: Independent Study in Nursing
NURS 4997: Honors Thesis
College of Sciences and Mathematics
NURS 4900: Independent Study in Nursing
NURS 4997: Honors Thesis
CHEM 4997: Honors Thesis
CHEM 4980: Undergraduate Research
MATH 4997: Honors Thesis
MATH 4930: Directed Studies
MATH 4980: Undergraduate Research
GEOL 4980: Undergraduate Research
GEOL 4997: Honors Thesis
GEOL 4930: Directed Studies in Undergraduate Research
GEOG 4930: Directed Studies in Undergraduate Research
PHYS 4900: Honors Thesis
PHYS 4930: Directed Studies in Undergraduate Research
PHYS 4997: Honors Thesis
PHYS 4980: Undergraduate Research
BIOL 4997: Honors Thesis
BIOL 4980: Undergraduate Research
College of Veterinary Medicine
VBMS 4980: Undergraduate Research
VBMS 4987: Honors Research and Thesis
VBMS 4997: Honors Thesis
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