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College of Agriculture
College of Architecture, Design, and Construction
Raymond J. Halbert College of Business
College of Education
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment
College of Human Sciences
College of Liberal Arts
College of Nursing
James Harrison College of Pharmacy
College of Sciences and Mathematics
College of Veterinary Medicine
Auburn University Libraries
Other Fellowship Awards
College of Agriculture

James Bearrentine
Major: Horticulture Fruit and Vegetables
Project Title: Postharvest Quality of Microgreens Grown Using Synthetic and Organic Fertilizer
Mentor: Marlee Trandel
Mentor’s Department: Horticulture

Abigail Boggier
Major: Horticulture Fruit and Vegetables
Project Title: Understanding the implications of methodological variations of digestibility estimates from in vitro fermentation assays
Mentor: William Smith
Mentor’s Department: Department of Animal Sciences

Carter Freeman
Major: Concurrent in Biosystems Engineering
Project Title: An AI-driven high-throughput sensing system for strawberry pest detection under
controlled environment agriculture
Mentor: Tanzeel Rehman
Mentor’s Department: Biosystems Engineering

Wesley Hare
Major: Applied Biotechnology
Project Title: The Fusarium oxysporum Pic2 in virulence on cotton
Mentor: Jeffrey Coleman
Mentor’s Department: Entomology and Plant Pathology

Matthew Hughes
Major: Poultry Science Production
Project Title: Effects of duck breed on egg quality, pH, and functional properties through 14 days of egg storage
Mentor: Dianna Bourassa
Mentor’s Department: Poultry Science

Lillian Jeffers
Major: ANSC Pre-veterinary
Project Title: Functional Roles of Arginine on Growth Performance and Gut Health in Newly Weaned Pigs
Mentor: Marko Rudar
Mentor’s Department: Animal Sciences

Natalie Johnson
Major: Microbial/Cell and Molecular Biology
Project Title: Bacterial Co-Infections in Tilapia
Mentor: Timothy Bruce
Mentor’s Department: FAA Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures

Madison Kinard
Major: Animal Sciences
Project Title: Effect of variety and species on digestibility and methane production potential of cool-season annual forages
Mentor: William Smith
Mentor’s Department: Department of Animal Sciences

Steven Mai
Major: Environmental Sciences
Project Title: A Toxic Love Story: Investigating PFAS Interactions with Aged Microplastics in Sediments
Mentor: Yaniv Olshansky
Mentor’s Department: Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow

Eliza McGuirk
Major: Animal Sciences
Project Title: Can Taurine Regulate Fat Cell Behaviors in Cell Culture?
Mentor: Terry Brandenbourg
Mentor’s Department: Department of Animal Sciences

Kristen Cartee
Major: Environmental Science
Project Title: Evaluating IRIS Films in Alabama Blackland Prairie Soils for Wetland Restoration
Mentor: Thorsten Knappenberber
Mentor’s Department: Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences

Michael Dub
Major: Applied Biotechnology
Project Title:
Mentor: Nannan Liu
Mentor’s Department: Entomology and Plant Pathology
Matthews UR Fellow

Parker Rae Menefee
Major: Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences
Project Title: Optimizing hormone therapy for spawning gene edited catfish
Mentor: Rex Dunham
Mentor’s Department: School of Fisheries Aquatic Science

Riley Parman
Major: Global Studies
Project Title: Incentivizing healthy fluid milk consumption among low-income consumers
Mentor: Joel Cuffey
Mentor’s Department: Agricultural Economy and Rural Sociology

Rachel Robinson
Major: Animal Sciences Pre-Vet and Music
Project Title: Evaluating renal arginase activity of modern and heritage broilers
Mentor: Samuel Rochell
Mentor’s Department: Poultry Science

Lucas Speer
Major: Agriculture Science
Project Title: Pecan Shells as an Alternative to Pine Bark as Substrate for Rabbiteye and Southern Highbush Blueberry Cultivation
Mentor: James Spiers
Mentor’s Department: Horticulture

Katelyn Waddell
Major: Environmental Science
Project Title: Human Impacts on the Water Quality of Lake Yojoa, Honduras through Time.
Mentor: Matthew Waters
Mentor’s Department: Crop Soil and Environmental Sciences

Madalynn Welsh
Major: Applied Biotechnology
Project Title: Investigating cell-free DNA as potential biomarkers to improve beef cattle fertility and reproductive efficiency
Mentor: Wellison Jarles
Mentor’s Department: Animal Sciences
College of Architecture, Design, and Construction

Katherine Backlund
Major: Environmental Design
Project Title: Equity by Design: Environmental Design as a Tool for Environmental Justice
Mentor: Robert Sproull
Mentor’s department: School of Architecture Plan and Landscape Architecture

Fiona Content
Major: Environmental Design
Project Title: Blend(ing) Industrial Intelligence: Infrastructures and Stories
Mentor: Eilis Finnegan
Mentor’s department: School of Architecture Plan and Landscape Architecture

Juntao Fang
Major: Environmental Design
Project Title:
Mentor: Kelley Homan
Mentor’s Department: School of Architecture Plan and Landscape Architecture

Caroline Purdy
Major: Environmental Design
Project Title:Cultivating Living Infrastructure in Tulsa, Oklahoma: Using Design to Foster Environmental Equity
Mentor: Kelley Homan
Mentor’s Department: School of Architecture Plan and Landscape Architecture
Samuel Ginn College of Engineering

Nailah Braziel
Major: Ecological Engineering
Project Title:
Mentor: Bryan Beckingham
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Alex Brown
Major: Electrical Engineering
Project Title: A Polarization-Structured-Light Three-Dimensional Imaging System
Mentor: Zihe Gao
Mentor’s Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
2024 Early Start Research Fellow

Alison Brown
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title: Enhancing Contractile Function of Engineered Cardiac Tissues through Enriched Fatty Acid Media Cultivation
Mentor: Elizabeth Lipke
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Charlotte Brown
Major: Physics
Project Title: Application of Quantum Computational Techniques to Velocity Map Imaging
Mentor: Richard Chapman
Mentor’s Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering
Matthews UR Fellow

Carson Bulgin
Major: Computer Science
Project Title:
Mentor: Sathyanarayanan Aakur
Mentor’s Department: Computer Science and Software Engineering

Sean Clark
Major: Pre-mechanical engineering
Project Title: Developing UV-LED photocrosslinking system for scalable 3-D tissue production
Mentor: Elizabeth Lipke
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Jordan Clemmons
Major: Chemical engineering
Project Title: Use of self-assembling small molecule to template cellulose hydrogels
Mentor: Symone Alexander
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Cameron Cohen
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Project Title: Mechanical Properties of Self-Folding Polymer Miura Ori
Mentor: Russell Mailen
Mentor’s Department: Aerospace Engineering

Greydon Franck
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title: Effect of MDBS on Material Properties of PE/PP Blends
Mentor: Symone Alexander
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Robert Gleason
Major: Graphic Design
Project Title: The Role of Visual Communication in Intuitive Design
Mentor: Davide Guzzetti
Mentor’s Department: Aerospace Engineering

Benjamin Gunasekaran
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title:
Mentor: Elizabeth Lipke
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Jonah Henry
Major: Mechanical Engineering – Georgia Southern University
Project Title: A novel electrostatic dehydration solution for paper manufacturing
Mentor: Lorenzo Cremaschi
Mentor’s Department: Mechanical Engineering
2024 Early Start Research Fellow

Kassandra Hileman
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Project Title: Paratrooper Injury Analysis of the Ankle and Foot
Mentor: Michael Zabala
Mentor’s Department: Mechanical Engineering

Robert Hudson
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Project Title: High throughput stochastic rare event buckling analysis of lattice structures
Mentor: Wen Luo
Mentor’s Department: Aerospace Engineering

Morgan Johnson
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Project Title: Effects of Porous Surfaces on Oblique Impinging Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction Unsteadiness
Mentor: Brian Thurow
Mentor’s Department: Aerospace Engineering

Seohyeong Kim
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title: An Automated Approach for Analyzing Differentiated Cardiomyocytes.
Mentor: Elizabeth Lipke
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Chandler Livingston
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Project Title: Self-Folding Shape Memory Polymer Origami Activated by Joule Heating of Embedded Conductive Filaments
Mentor: Russell Mailen
Mentor’s Department: Aerospace Engineering

Camylle Lollar
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title: Extraction of Cellulose from Pecan Shells
Mentor: Symone Alexander
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering
Matthews UR Fellow

Mason Mathias
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Project Title: Cost Improvements and SEA Implementation to the Blue Gripper for Education
Mentor: Chad Rose
Mentor’s Department: Mechanical Engineering

Parker Megginson
Major: Computer Engineering
Project Title: SAR ADC IC Design for data-converter Applications
Mentor: Fa Dai
Mentor’s Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Max Miller
Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Project Title: Development of new exoskeleton controller that supports trust and ease of use to enhance gait capabilities
Mentor: Yadrianna Acosta Sojo
Mentor’s Department: Industrial and Systems Engineering

William Stapleton
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: Investigating the Effect of Discrete Hydrostatic Pressure Gradients on Cancer Cell Migration
Mentor: Panagiotis Mistriotis
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Jerin Thomas
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title:
Mentor: Symone Alexander
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering
Matthews UR Fellow

Ross Tolbert
Major: Chemical Engineering
Project Title:
Mentor: Symone Alexander
Mentor’s Department: Chemical Engineering

Nana Kwasi Nkansa Tweneboah
Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering
Project Title: Search for Layered 3D Compounds Suitable for Producing Novel 2D Materials Through Selective Etching
Mentor: Konstantin Klyukin
Mentor’s Department: Materials Engineering
Matthews UR Fellow

Samuel Yount
Major: Electrical Engineering
Project Title: Enabling Virtual Reality Augmented Hybrid Exoskeletons
Mentor: Brendon Allen
Mentor’s Department: Mechanical Engineering
College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment

Shelby Davis
Major: Wildlife Ecology and Management
Project Title: Public Knowledge of and Interactions with the Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii)
Mentor: Wesley Anderson
Mentor’s Department: Forestry and Wildlife Services

Tess Lindow
Major: Wildlife Ecology and Managament
Project Title: Pathogenicity and virulence of L. acicola in an economically important agricultural pine species
Mentor: Janna Wiloughby
Mentor’s Department: Forestry and Wildlife Services
Matthews UR Fellow

Garrison Sharp
Major: Sustainable Biomaterials and Packaging
Project Title: Reclamation and characterization of polyolefins from multilayer plastic packaging waste
Mentor: Yucheng Peng
Mentor’s Department: Forestry and Wildlife Services

Emily Tice
Major: Wildlife Ecology and Management
Project Title: Mosquito Population Control to Mitigate Negative Human Health Outcomes
Mentor: Janna Wiloughby
Mentor’s Department: Wildlife Ecology and Management

Brianna Travis
Major: Natural Resources Management with a minor in Watershed Sciences
Project Title: Investigating the impacts of land use on soil biogeochemistry in headwater wetlands in Baldwin County, Alabama
Mentor: Christopher Anderson
Mentor’s Department: AU National Resource Management and Development Institute
Matthews UR Fellow
College of Human Sciences

Avery Crist
Major: Nutrition Wellness
Project Title: Investigating the Impact of Stigma and Awareness on College Student’s Access to Food Aid Resources at Auburn University
Mentor: Onika Brown
Mentor’s Department: Nutritional Sciences

Campbell Jernigan
Major: NTDX
Project Title: Role of Hepatocyte Inflammation in Colorectal Cancer
Mentor: Michael Greene
Mentor’s Department: Nutrition Dietetics and Hospitality

Lauren McGinness
Major: Nutrition Science
Project Title: The metabolic response of C57BL/6J mice to a high-fat diet supplemented with multivitamins
Mentor: Mehrnaz Abbasi
Mentor’s Department: Department of Nutritional Sciences

Kaleigh Miller
Major: Nutrition Science
Project Title: Running for Me or Running for My Child: How a Parent’s Physical Activity May Be
Affecting Their Child’s Anxiety
Mentor: Joshua Novak
Mentor’s Department: Human Development and Family Studies
College of Liberal Arts

Robert Anderson
Major: English Literature and Creative Writing
Project Title: Understanding Narratology in Actual Play of Tabletop Role-Playing Games
Mentor: Emily Friedman
Mentor’s Department: English

Harper Andrews
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Gamification Hearing Screenings GESv3: A Validation Study
Mentor: Aurora Weaver
Mentor’s Department: Speech Language and Hearing Sciences

Kaitlyn DiThomas
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Working Memory and the odor span task in humans
Mentor: Jeffery Katz
Mentor’s Department: Psychological Sciences

Lilly Dunaway
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Enhancing Access to Hearing Healthcare for Korean Population: Development and Validation of a Culturally Tailored Korean Version of the HEAR COMMAND Tool
Mentor: Razan Al Fakir
Mentor’s Department: Speech Language and Hearing

Lindsay Gardner
Major: Psychology
Project Title: How prepared do first generation college students feel coming into college and how can colleges help them?
Mentor: Sara Driskell
Mentor’s Department: Psychological Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow

Addison Garrot
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Predicting Word Reading and Spelling from Speech Sound Errors
Mentor: Anna Ehrhorn
Mentor’s Department: Speech Language and Hearing Sciences

Gracie Hundley
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Importance of Scoring Spelling in Children with Speech Sound Disorder
Mentor: Anna Ehrhorn
Mentor’s Department: Speech Language and Hearing Sciences

Allison Keller
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Changes in College Student Social Media Use and the Impact of FoMO on Student Well Being from 2020 to 2024
Mentor: Sarah Lust
Mentor’s Department: Psychological Sciences

Annabelle Lacy
Major: Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Muscle-Based Swallowing Intervention: A Systematic Review of Protocol Fidelity to Muscle Training Theory and Practice
Mentor: Mary Sandage
Mentor’s Department: Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences

Toni Lee
Major: Anthropology
Project Title: Anemia and health in enslaved Africans from Newton Plantation, Barbados
Mentor: Kristina Shuler
Mentor’s Department: Sociology

Lilyann Mason
Major: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Project Title: Toward Boosting Daily Walking Practice Among Normal Hearing Individuals, Hearing Loss Individuals without Hearing Aid Eligibility vs. Hearing Loss Individuals with Hearing Aid Eligibility
Mentor: Razan Al Fakir
Mentor’s Department: Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences

Faith Miller
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Examining the Relationship Between Trait Worry and Cognitive Impairments
Mentor: Susan Earp
Mentor’s Department: Psychology

Lucero Montero
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Understanding Athletes’ Sense of Purpose and Mental Health Challenges
Mentor: Sara Driskell
Mentor’s Department: Psychological Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow

McCarley Rickman
Major: Speech, Language, and Hearing Science
Project Title: Examining Perceptions of Stuttering
Mentor: Gregory Spray
Mentor’s Department: Speech, Language, and Hearing Science

Natalie White
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Religion Across Auburn’s Campus and its Effect on Students
Mentor: Sara Driskell
Mentor’s Department: Psychological Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow
College of Education

Reagan Boledovic
Major: Exercise Science
Project Title: The effectiveness of Micro breaks in On-Duty Patrol Officers
Mentor: Joellen Sefton
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Marleigh Green
Major: Exercise Science & Nutrition
Project Title: The Effect of Innings on Rotational Velocities in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers
Mentor: Gretchen Oliver
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Susannah Harrell
Major: Exercise Science
Project Title: Striding Through the Divide: Model Training Allows for Faster Gait Adaptation in Healthy Young Adults
Mentor: Jaime Roper
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Caroline Keller
Major: Exercise Science Undergrad KESB
Project Title:
Mentor: Gretchen Oliver
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Aubrie Lisenby
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: The Effect of Rear Foot Center of Pressure on Application Forces and Rotational Velocities in Collegiate Softball Hitting
Mentor: Gretchen Oliver
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Elizabeth Wheeler
Major: Exercise Science
Project Title: The Role of the Achilles Tendon in Foot Biomechanics through Ultrasound Imaging and Electromyography
Mentor: Christopher Wilburn
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology

Thomas Williams
Major: Exercise Science and Nutrition Wellness
Project Title: Investigating Single-Leg Biomechanics as an Indicator of Mobility and Physical Function
Mentor: Jaime Roper
Mentor’s Department: School of Kinesiology
College of Sciences and Mathematics

Victoria Cover
Major: Biochemistry
Project Title: Fluorescence Behavior of Probe Molecules in Model Aerosol Constituents
Mentor: Paul Ohno
Mentor’s Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Ashley Desilva
Major: Microbial Biology
Project Title: Exploring Population Dynamics of Bacillus and Paenibacillus Co-Culture and Its Effects On Soybean Disease Control
Mentor: Mark Liles
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow

Emma Drake
Major: Chemistry
Project Title: Regioselective Dearomative Benzylation of Pyrylium Salts
Mentor: Rashad Karimov
Mentor’s Department: Chemistry & Biochemistry

Parker Ensminger
Major: Microbiology
Project Title: Formation of Synaptosomes by APE1 Protein and its relation to gene regulation
Mentor: Mohtadin Hashemi
Mentor’s Department: Physics

Megan Fitzgerald
Major: Biochemistry
Project Title: How do Ribosomes Make Proteins? Direct Tracking of Translation with Single-Molecule FRET
Mentor: Alexey Petrov
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences

Brielle Hay
Major: Animal Science
Project Title: Examining possible sex-specific mortality due to heat in finch embryos
Mentor: Haruka Wada
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences

David Goymer
Major: Physics
Project Title:
Mentor: Evdokiya Kostadinova
Mentor’s Department: Physics
Matthews UR Fellow

Bennett Jetmundsen
Major: Biochemistry/Genetics
Project Title: Does Oxidative Stress and Reduced Mitochondrial Count Contribute to Hybrid Breakdown
Mentor: Wendy Hood
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences

Aidan Knox
Major: Geology and Aerospace Engineering
Project Title:
Mentor: Willis Hames
Mentor’s Department: Geology and Geography

Benjamin Lightfoot
Major: Physics
Project Title: Mitigating Solar Spectral Scaling Inaccuracies via Machine Learning for Cometary Coma Analysis
Mentor: Dennis Bodewits
Mentor’s Department: Physics

Alexandra McGrew
Major: Wildlife Ecology and Management
Project Title: Understanding the Effect of Ultraviolet Light Exposure on Modified and Unmodified Pigments in Yellow Songbirds
Mentor: Geoffrey Hill
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences
Matthews UR Fellow

McKae Sarkowski
Major: Organismal Biology- Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Project Title: Why are male sliders small? The role of sexual selection in maintaining male size in a pond turtle.
Mentor: Matthew Wolak
Mentor’s Department: Biology

Rebecca Strain
Major: Civil Engineering
Project Title: Investigation between gender performativity and identity development for engineers
Mentor: Eric Burkholder
Mentor’s Department: Physics

Seoyeong Woo
Major: Microbiology
Project Title: Exploring Population Dynamics of Bacillus and Paenibacillus Co-Culture and Its Effects On Soybean Disease Control
Mentor: Mark Liles
Mentor’s Department: Biological Sciences
College of Nursing

Katherine Bailey
Major: Nursing Science
Project Title: Exploring Factors Influencing College Students’ Reporting of Antidepressant Medication Adverse Drug Reactions
Mentor: Caitlin Moore
Mentor’s Department: Nursing

Madison Beavers
Major: Nursing
Project Title: A Holistic Approach to Pediatric T1 Diabetes Management.
Mentor: Christine Feeley
Mentor’s Department: Nursing

Madison Goehle
Major: Animal Science
Project Title: A Study on the Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Academic-Induced Anxiety in Auburn University Students
Mentor’s Department: Nursing
Mentor: Beverly Yordy

Nora Heeney
Major: Nursing
Project Title: “Auburn’s Safe Space”
Mentor: Seth Perry
Mentor’s Department: Nursing
Matthews UR Fellow

Kendall McCallum
Major: Nursing
Project Title: Perinatal Mental Health Outcomes and Breast-Feeding Duration in Home and Birth Center Deliveries
Mentor: Katilya Shandrell Ware
Mentor’s Department: Nursing
Matthews UR Fellow

David Murray
Major: Nursing
Project Title: Assessing and optimizing the health and resiliency of undergraduate nursing students
Mentor: Andrew Fruge
Mentor’s Department: Nursing

Leticia Raymundi Pinhei
Major: Nursing
Project Title:
Mentor: Claire Thompson
Mentor’s Department: Nursing
Matthews UR Fellow
James Harrison College of Pharmacy

Amatallah Saulawa
Major: International Studies and Public andOne Health
Project Title: Shared Clinical Decision Making on Vaccines in Community Pharmacies
Mentor: Salisa Westrick
Mentor’s Department: Pharmacy Care Systems
Matthews UR Fellow

Markelle Scott
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: Do ERBB4-ERBB2 heterodimers drive ERBB4-dependent, ERBB2-dependent, BRAF WT melanoma cell lines?
Mentor: David Riese
Mentor’s Department: Drug Discovery and Development
Matthews UR Fellow

Alexander Shipp
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: Development of an experimental design to assess CYP3A4 induction based- botanical-HIV antiretroviral drug interaction
Mentor: Angela Calderon
Mentor’s Department: Drug Discovery and Development
Matthews UR Fellow
College of Veterinary Medicine

Aaron Bohn
Major: Psychology
Project Title: Assessing and maximizing the comprehensive potential of health education materials
Mentor: Andrea Perkins
Mentor’s Department: Clinical Sciences

Devin Cooper
Major: Applied Biotechnology, Microbiology
Project Title: Elucidation of CAV Tropism
Mentor: Payal Agarwal
Mentor’s Department: Scott Ritchey Research Center

Henry Limbo
Matthews Scholars Program Fellow
Major: Genetics
Project Title: Measuring the progression of AD biomarkers in 3xTg mice
Mentor: Daniel Kroeger
Mentor’s Department: Anatomy Physiology and Pharmacy

Nathan Newman
Major: Biomedical Sciences, Pre-Medical
Project Title: Peptide-mediated CD206-targeting of tumor associated macrophages for Cancer Therapy
Mentor: Maninder Sandey
Mentor’s Department: Pathobiology

Gabrielle Schultz
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: Regulation of Luteinizing Hormone as an Alternative to Traditional Spay/Neuter
Mentor: Douglas Martin
Mentor’s Department: Anatomy Physiology and Pharmacy

Isabella Shimko-Lofano
Major: Biomedical Sciences
Project Title: Characterization of cytopathic affect of AUM4
Mentor: Payal Agarwal
Mentor’s Department: Scott-Ritchey Research Center

Carrie Smith
Major: Microbiology
Project Title: The potential role of Phosphoprotein Enriched in Astrocytes-15 (PEA15) in the regulation of circadian rhythm and metabolic disease.
Mentor: Emily Graff
Mentor’s Department: Pathobiology
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