Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Auburn University students can apply for a variety of undergraduate research fellowships, summer experiences, and scholarships. A listing of programs can be found below.
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Auburn University On Campus Opportunities

College of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Pathobiology in Immunology
An undergraduate research assistantship in the Department of Pathobiology (Immunology/Suryawanshi Lab) is available for students interested in immunology research. The Immunology lab’s research focuses on understanding the immune evasion mechanisms viruses and tumors use to suppress host immunity. We investigate how HSV-1 dysregulates macrophage immunometabolism to evade host innate interferon responses. This position is ideal for the candidate interested in pursuing a long-term career in biomedical research. An applicant with year-round availability (Fall, Spring & Summer semesters) is preferred. The undergraduate research assistant will be trained by Graduate students and assist them in conducting various aspects of immunology research, including HSV-1 propagation, immune cell isolation, infection, cell surface and intracellular cytokine staining, flow cytometry, ELISA, Immunometabolism assays (glycolysis, OCR/ECAR), RT-PCR, western blot, etc. Students are encouraged to conduct independent projects after initial training of at least one semester. Preference will be given to candidates with at least 2 years left as students at Auburn who have completed biochemistry/molecular biology/immunology courses. The maximum time will be 20 hours weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters. Over the summer, a minimum of 20 hours a week will be required, up to 40 hours. The start time for this position will be Fall Semester 2024. For more information or to apply, contact Dr. Amol Suryawanshi (amol@auburn.edu).

Department of Clinical Science
The Department of Clinical Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine is currently seeking an undergraduate student research assistant. The role of the student will be to review/obtain informed consent, perform and record interviews with specific questions that will be asked, and transcribe interviews for analysis. The project is expected to start in late July or early August and will last 1 year. During this time a maximum of 30 interviews lasting 30 min or less would take place. Student assistants will need to complete CITI training and will receive authorship on the resulting publication. If interested and for more information, email Dr. Theresa E Pancotto (email: tep0008@auburn.edu).

Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)

Department of Cell Biology and Physiology
Dr. Pandorf (VCOM faculty) is looking for an undergraduate student interested and motivated to engage in research. Research activities would center on wet lab bench type experiments analyzing RNAs by PCR. Cell culture experiments will also be performed. A time commitment of up to 10 hours on most weeks is requested. The laboratory is in the Pharmacy Research Building (at Donahue and Lem Morrison).

The research focus in Dr. Pandorf’s laboratory is on regulatory mechanisms of skeletal and cardiac muscle adaptation. Muscle atrophy and contractile and metabolic adaptations occur in skeletal muscle in response to inactivity and various disease states. Similar changes occur in heart muscle in response to disease states such as hypertension, which can result in compensatory hypertrophy and ultimately heart failure. The laboratory emphasis is with long-non coding (lnc) RNAs that are implicated in gene regulation, particularly those of the myosin heavy chain gene family of motor protein genes. These lncRNAs may serve as feasible therapeutic targets to restore muscle function compromised by disuse or disease. Please contact Dr. Pandorf at cpandorf@auburn.vcom.edu.

Department of Microbiology and Immunology
The Cell Culture Lab run by Dr. Kari Duggar has a research opportunity for an undergraduate student. Research will be continued from previous findings regarding how exercise communicates with immune cells. The future research will be focusing on 2 areas: (1) supplementary therapies to traditional cancer treatment stemmed from what was previously found and (2) mechanisms in which exercise and/or chronic depression changes the immune function in context of cancer immunity. These studies will offer student opportunities to explore how basic science can translate to patient care and promote holistic approaches to cancer treatment regimens. Students will learn techniques such as (but not limited to): experimental design, data management, cell culture, flow cytometry, and mouse handing. Please contact Dr. Kari Dugger at kdugger@auburn.vcom.edu

College of Human Sciences

Financial Research Management Lab Research Assistant
Focus is on data entry, data analysis, designing and implementing programs/ activities, conduct literature reviews, and make a tangible impact across Alabama. The FRM Extension area delivers FAFSA decision-making, money management, and housing education to over 160 community partners. The FRM Lab supports the mission of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System to deliver science-based programs that promote the quality of life and well-being of Alabamians. For more information or to apply, please visit the link above or contact Dr. Portia Johnson (plj0009@auburn.edu)

College of Liberal Arts

Nonverbal Behavior and Social Policy Research (Psychological Sciences)
Applied social psychology is an exciting field that studies many facets of group and intergroup processes. The Social Interaction and Policy Lab, headed by Dr. Sara Driskell, has two main research focus areas. One is to explore how group memberships affect how we perceive and interact with each other, through our social interactions and especially our nonverbal behaviors (such as eye contact, smiling, and seating distance). Ongoing projects include looking at affiliative behaviors in intergroup interactions and crowd behaviors/interactions. The other examines how factors like group membership impact social policies (such as courtroom and business practices). Ongoing projects for this focus include research into protesting, police body-worn cameras, and how businesses seek and use diversity. The Social Interaction and Policy Lab welcomes passionate students from a variety of social and academic backgrounds to learn more about these topics and get hands on experience conducting research. Interested students should be able to volunteer for at least 6 hours per week, and they would ideally be able to commit to at least 2 semesters to the lab. Course credit is also available. If interested: Students should email Dr. Driskell (driskell@auburn.edu) to set up an interview. In addition, our online application link is here: https://forms.gle/tapjtybeuGowVYFf9 

College of Agriculture

Alan Wilsons Lab Assistant
Several undergraduate researcher positions in aquatic ecology and water quality are available in Alan Wilson’s lab. Current lab research projects revolve around understanding the factors leading to the control and promotion of harmful algal blooms in recreational and drinking water reservoirs and aquaculture ponds.  Visit the lab website to learn more about us! The undergraduate student​s will assist current lab members (including graduate and undergraduate students) with existing lab projects that include field experiments, large-scale lake surveys, and laboratory-based mechanistic studies and analytical analyses.  The ideal candidate will be honest, hard-working, enjoy teamwork, self-motivated, and be interested in pursuing a career in science.  I am motivated to maintain a productive, diverse, and inclusive lab and encourage students from under-represented groups to consider joining us.  Preference will be given to freshman and sophomore applicants who are available 10-20 hours per week.  Starting dates and expected hours worked are flexible.  Starting pay for these positions is $11/hr. Interested students are encouraged to email (1) a brief letter of interest, (2) resume including contact information for two references, (3) an unofficial copy of your transcripts, and (4) available work hours during the summer to Alan Wilson (wilson@auburn.edu) for full consideration.  Soft deadline for this position is 1 May 2024.

Undergraduate Research Internship in Plant Pathology
An Undergraduate Internship in Plant Pathology is available for an undergraduate student interested in assisting with laboratory research activities at Auburn University. Plant pathology is a discipline that could be described as M.D. for plants: we diagnose, treat, and try to cure diseases affecting agricultural crops that are important for feeding a growing world population. Our plant pathology lab conducts research to understand the infection processes, survival, proliferation and host preferences of bacterial phytopathogens that endanger agricultural crop production. The intern will assist with various aspects of ongoing research including bacterial isolation and culture from infected plant material, molecular characterization of bacterial isolates, greenhouse experiments, field sampling, and fabrication of microfluidic chambers. If desired, the internship can be used for undergraduate research credit. After initial training (at least one semester) students are encouraged to conduct their own independent project.

Undergraduate Research Summer Internship in Smith Bee Lab

The Smith Bee Lab is interested in the basic biology of honey bee colonies – the world’s most charismatic superorganism. We are interested in how colonies develop, how they are organized, and how they detect and respond to biotic and abiotic changes. We address these questions at both the individual and colony-level, using whatever tools fit the problem: from duct tape and markers, to large-scale manipulative experiments, to image processing and machine learning. We are currently looking for an undergraduate to help with beekeeping, setting up experiments, and collecting data. Position can be paid or for credit, to be filled ASAP. Preference for students in their first- or second-year, with the potential to work multiple semesters/summers in the lab, if interested. We welcome researchers from all fields, whether you’re a biologist, computer scientist, engineer, physicist, or chemist. As long as you’re hard-working, dedicated, and curious, you’ll find a welcoming and productive environment. We work as a team, so please, no jerks.

To apply, please send a CV, and a brief paragraph about yourself and your research interests to Michael Smith (mls0154@auburn.edu).  Please be sure to include your major, year, expected date of graduation, post-grad plans (roughly), and availability this summer/during the semester.

General Research Off-Campus Opportunities

National Institute for Drug Abuse Summer Research Internship Program: The NIDA Summer Research Internship Program supports all students with a focus on increasing underrepresented populations in drug abuse research. Through this program, undergraduates aged 18 and older are introduced to the field of substance use and addiction research by participating in research internships with NIDA’s distinguished scientists at universities across the United States. Students work with leading scientists for eight weeks during the summer. The internship may include laboratory experiments, data collection, data analysis, formal courses, participation in lab meetings, patient interviews, manuscript preparation, and literature reviews. In addition, it is expected that each intern will deliver a formal presentation on their research project at the end of the internship.
Majors recruited:
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Think Swiss Scholarships: Each year, 15 research scholarships are offered to both undergraduates and graduate students. These scholarships provide a monthly stipend (approximately $1,000 US) for a period of 2 to 3 months to conduct research at a public Swiss university or research institute.
Majors recruited: All fields.
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Arizona Summer Research Institute: The Summer Research Institute (SRI) offers undergraduates an outstanding opportunity to learn how to conduct research and prepare for graduate studies. Students do not have to attend the University of Arizona.
Majors recruited: All fields.
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Yale Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF): Each summer the Yale SURF Program brings a group of qualified undergraduates to Yale for eight weeks. The experience is meant to familiarize students with the kind of work they can expect to do in graduate school, provide them with insight into the many steps involved in building a career based on Ph.D. level training, as well as foster a sense of confidence regarding their own abilities and potential.
Majors recruited: All fields.
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Boston University Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP): All full-time Boston University undergraduate students are eligible to participate in UROP. Student-Faculty partnerships span all academic areas- from biological and engineering Sciences, economics and sociology, to history and religion, business and the arts.
Majors recruited: All Fields
Deadline: Varies

Linking Applied Knowledge in Environmental Sustainability (LAKES) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): The LAKES Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) aims to better understand the root causes of phosphorus pollution and solutions while offering undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in cutting edge research. Students who participate in LAKES will spend two months in beautiful Menomonie, Wisconsin.
Majors recruited: Biology, sociology, economics, anthropology, mathematics, geology, or communications.
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Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Internships and Research Opportunities A general listing of national undergraduate research opportunities with ORAU.
Majors recruited: All fields.
Deadline: Varies depending upon position availability

National Science Foundation REUs: The National Science Foundation funds many undergraduate research opportunities in a variety of fields.
Majors recruited: All fields.
Deadline: Varies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers multiple internships for various topics such as: Laboratory, Ethics, Environmental Health, Health Education/Communication, Management, Leadership, and so much more. Please visit the link for more information on the internships available.
Majors Recruited: All Fields
Deadline: Varies

Paul & Daisy Soros Graduate Fellowships for New Americans: Thirty Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans will be awarded in March every year. Each fellowship supports up to two years of graduate study – in any field and in any advanced degree-granting program – in the United States.
Majors recruited: All fields.
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National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships: Research assistants for the Urban Institute assist senior researchers in various policy areas such as housing, welfare, population studies, health, and education policy. Incumbents will conduct literature reviews, analyses and programming tasks, as well as participate in reporting research findings and presenting data.
Majors recruited: Computer and information science and engineering, engineering, materials research, chemistry, mathematical sciences, physics, astronomy, psychology, social sciences, STEM education, geosciences, and life sciences.
Deadline: Varies

Education Research Off-Campus Opportunities

Cal Poly STAR Program: Providing opportunities for aspiring STEM K-12 teachers.
Majors recruited: Education and STEM fields.
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Smithsonian Science Education Center Internship: Internships and research experience in the area of science education.
Majors recruited: Education, STEM, and others.
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International Research Off-Campus Opportunities

Boren Awards for International Study: Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Majors recruited: All fields, including students interested in studying less commonly taught languages like Arabic, Russian, and others.
Deadline: Varies

Euro Scholars: Euro Scholars is a program where students interested in undergraduate academic research can undertake a research project at a European institution.
Majors recruited: All fields
Deadline: Varies

German Academic Exchange Service Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service Scholarships provides financial support for students interested in studying or researching in Germany during their undergraduate or graduate years.
Majors recruited: All fields, including those whose research interests include Germany.
Deadline: Varies

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Research Off-Campus Opportunities

The University of Chicago Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates: The University of Chicago molecular engineering program offers undergraduate students attending non-research colleges or universities the opportunity to gain authentic research experience working in the research labs of Pritzker Molecular Engineering (PME) faculty members. The program is open for 10 students for a 10 week long summer program. The program features immersion in the university culture, research seminars, lab safety, ethnics training, support for graduate school application process and guidance preparing written reports.

Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB) UC Berkeley: The goal of the SUPERB Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) program in EECS is to prepare and motivate a group of diverse, competitive candidates for graduate study. Our research focus is AI for Engineering. The Berkeley EECS SUPERB site proposal for 2024 focuses on Artificial Intelligence for Engineering. This REU aims to study the challenges, risks, and limitations of this technology, focusing on machine learning algorithms, safety in human-robot interaction, provably-safe AI systems, defense against adversarial attacks, and managing unpredictability in engineering design and control that is influenced by Large Language Models. For me information, click here 

Deadline: Closed

Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST): The Summer Internships in Science & Technology (SIST) program offers undergraduate sophomores and juniors majoring in physics, engineering (mechanical, electrical and computer), materials science, mathematics, and computer science the opportunity to conduct research with Fermilab scientists and engineers. SIST aims to increase the representation of underrepresented groups (Black, Hispanic/Latino, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Alaska Native/American Indian) and women in scientific research and the engineering workforce.

Deadline: Closed

Cellular and Molecular Biology of Stress: We are looking for undergraduate students who are interested in an immersive, 10-week faculty-led research experience to prepare for their graduate education and research career. Students will engage in research to explore the intricate mechanisms by which organisms respond and adapt to environmental challenges. We have a wide array of projects across scales of research from molecular to ecological work.

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Nanoengineering Research Experience for Undergraduates at Vanderbilt University: Interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Participants work on projects offered by more than 40 faculty participants from Vanderbilt’s School of Engineering, College of Arts and Science and School of Medicine.

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Nanoengineering Research Experiences for Undergraduates at Ole Miss University: This is a 10 week summer program for undergraduate students at the University of Mississippi to help enrich experience in nanoengineering. To apply to this program, please view the link above.

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Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program:  A summer internship program organized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This is designed to introduce undergraduate and graduate students to a variety of entry and mid-level research within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Majors recruited: Undergraduate and Graduate students majoring in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, business, policy, and law.
Deadline: Closed

REU: Computing for Health and Well-Being: For students interested in a 10-week summer research internship. This opportunity is supported by the NSF REU Grant. Students from underrepresented minority groups and/or who have limited research opportunities at their home institution are encouraged to apply.
Majors recruited: Undergraduate students who are majoring in Computer Science or a related field.
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Dauphin Island Sea Lab REU: Funded by the National Science Foundation Ocean Sciences Research Experience for Undergraduates and the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, eight undergraduate fellowships will be offered during the 2015 summer semester at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab.
Majors recruited: Juniors and senior students studying marine science, biology, chemistry, geology, and environmental sciences.
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Northwestern Materials Research Center Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates: The NU-MRSEC offers a 9-week summer research experience for undergraduates located near the city of Chicago. Students are paired with leading researchers in science and engineering fields. Research areas include ceramics, nanocomposites, photonics, nanoparticles, molecular electronics, and biomaterials.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Internships: The Smithsonian Environmental Research Center’s (SERC) Internship Program offers undergraduate and beginning graduate students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the fields of environmental research and education. This program enables students to work on specific projects under the direction of SERC’s professional staff and is tailored to provide the maximum educational benefit to each participant.
Majors recruited: Life and environmental sciences.
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American Society for Microbiology Summer Research Fellowship: The ASM Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF) is aimed at highly competitive students who wish to pursue graduate careers (Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D.) in microbiology. Students will have the opportunity to conduct full-time research at their home institutions with an ASM member and present research results at the ASM General Meeting the following year.
Majors recruited: Microbiology or intent to pursue a higher degree in microbiology.
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Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Internships are intended for undergraduates, recent graduates (post-bachelor’s) and beginning graduate students interested in advancing their professional goals and intellectual skills under the guidance of a scientist working at STRI. Internships give interns the opportunity to meet and interact with scientists from around the world, gain hands-on experience in their area of academic interest, and delve into Panama’s rich culture.
Majors recruited:
Life and environmental sciences

University of Pittsburgh Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL): The University of Pittsburgh’s Human Engineering Research Laboratories (HERL) is currently accepting applications for the summer 2020 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Rehabilitation Engineering program – ASPIRE. The REU at the HERL is designed to promote greater involvement and understanding of rehabilitation engineering and assistive technology.
Majors recruited: Open to undergraduates majoring in science, engineering, math, and computer science. Minorities, women, student veterans, and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply
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LSU Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences: This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project is a ten week program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State University (LSU) provides an ideal setting for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring gravitational waves, complex emergent phenomena in material science, or computational music, the participants work on cutting edge research in Computational Sciences.
Majors recruited: Computational science.
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Nebraska Summer Research ProgramThis 10-week residential summer research experience provides mentoring and research participation while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life at a research university. Participants all receive competitive stipends, room and board, travel/transport, graduate school preparation workshops, social and networking activities, and more.
Majors recruited: STEM and students with a strong interest in graduate programs.
Deadline: Varies

University of Nevada Las Vegas REU – Mechanisms of Evolution: Undergraduate projects funded by the REU Site: Mechanisms of Evolution will focus on biological processes, such as mutation, genetic drift, migration, non-random mating and natural selection that drive heritable change. The inspiration for this proposal is the celebrated essay, Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution by Theodosius Dobzhansky.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory Summer Intern Program: The SAO (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) Summer Intern Program is a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program where students work on astrophysics research with an SAO/Harvard scientist.
Majors recruited: Astronomy, astrophysics, physics, or related physical sciences.
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University of Arkansas Research Experience for Undergraduates(REU): This REU focuses on field- and lab-based research in areas ranging from water quality and urban spring ecology to sustainability studies and more. Project faculty mentors originate from various departments [e.g., Biology, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Crop, Soil and Environmental Science, Geosciences] and vary from year to year based on the most current work being conducted at UA and REU student interests.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Georgia Tech REVAMP REU Program: REVAMP is a 10-week summer program at the Georgia Tech Manufacturing Institute located on the Georgia Institute of Technology campus. Students work under the supervision of a faculty mentor to complete a research project centered on cutting edge manufacturing science and technology. They also receive business model canvas and customer discovery entrepreneurship training to develop a plan for commercializing a technology related to their research.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Closed

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP): The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research. The program offers scholarship support, paid research training at the NIH during the summer, and paid employment and training at the NIH after graduation.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with a specific interest in health research.
Deadline: March 29, 2024

University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Lab: GCRL’s Summer Field Program provides undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to learn about coastal environments in an intensive field and lab based setting.
Majors recruited: STEM majors, especially life or environmental sciences.
Deadline: Closed

AT&T Researchers Program: Each summer, research interns from universities all over the US come to AT&T Labs Research for 10 weeks to work with AT&T Researchers on exciting, real-world research projects. Interns have access to relevant data, expertise and mentoring by AT&T Researchers.
Majors recruited: Computer science, math, statistics, electrical engineering, operations research, systems engineering, industrial engineering, or related fields.
Deadline: Varies by location

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Internships: STEM internships with the NASA Jet Propulsion lab for undergraduates and graduate students.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

NASA Pathways: Employment opportunities through NASA in research areas.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

Pathway to Science Engineering Opportunities: Specific research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in engineering.
Majors recruited: Engineering.
Deadline: Varies

Pathway to Science Ocean Sciences Opportunities: Specific research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students studying ocean sciences.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with a focus in ocean sciences.
Deadline: Varies

Summer ORISE Fellowship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Chosen ORISE candidates will join CDC projects associated with developing and applying new methods to characterize and quantitate biochemical markers that are relevant in environmental exposures and chronic diseases. Current undergraduate and graduate students majoring in applied sciences that have completed three years of major coursework may apply.
Majors recruited: Chemistry and biology majors are preferred, although highly qualified candidates from other science majors may be considered.
Deadline: Varies

UNCF – Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarships: These awards are a component of the UNCF-Merck Science Initiative, the goal of which is to support the training and development of world-class African American biomedical research scientists. At least 15 UNCF-Merck Undergraduate Science Research Scholarship Awards will be made per year.
Majors recruited: Students in STEM fields who have a committed interest to biomedical research.
Deadline: Varies

Pathway to Science Graduate Opportunities: Research and funding opportunities for graduate students.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

American Society for Pharmacology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The ASPET Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) Awards are aimed at introducing undergraduate students to pharmacology research. Our goal is to heighten interest in science as a career, with an emphasis on pharmacology graduate training to increase the number of young scientists entering the research discipline of pharmacology.
Majors recruited: STEM fields leading to a degree in pharmacology.
Deadline: Varies

Amgen Scholars Program: The Amgen Scholars Program provides hundreds of selected undergraduate students with the opportunity to engage in a hands-on research experience in science or engineering at many of the world’s leading educational institutions. Host institutions include The University of Tokyo, MIT, Stanford, and more.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (HERE at ORNL): Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (HERE at ORNL) provides research opportunities and associated activities for undergraduate students. The program is designed to complement academic programs by utilizing the unique resources of ORNL to enhance science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, encourage careers in science and technology, and improve scientific literacy, while at the same time contributing to the Laboratory mission.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

National Institutes of Health Summer Internship: Summer programs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide an opportunity to spend a summer working at the NIH side-by-side with some of the leading scientists in the world, in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with an emphasis on biomedical research.
Deadline: Varies

Pathway to Science Undergraduate Opportunities: Research and funding opportunities for undergraduate researchers.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: Varies

University of Washington AccessComputing Research Internships and REU: AccessComputing provides a nationwide resource to help students with disabilities pursue computing fields through a limited number of research internships.
Majors recruited: Computing fields, including computer science and software engineering.
Deadline: Varies

NASA Research Opportunities: NASA has provided many opportunities for post-secondary students in a variety of fields. Please visit the link for more information about these opportunities.
Majors Recruited: STEM majors
Deadline: Varies

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) with the Department of Energy: The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
Deadline: May 22, 2024

SMART (Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation) Scholarship: The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully employed upon degree completion.

Majors recruited: STEM fields, with an emphasis on engineering.
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Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award: The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award is based on merit (not need) and consists of a cost-of-education allowance and a personal-support stipend. Hertz Fellows have no liability for any ordinary educational costs, regardless of their choice among participating schools.
Majors recruited: Eligible applicants for Hertz Fellowships must be students of the applied physical, biological and/or engineering sciences who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America, and who are willing to morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency.
Deadline: Closed
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NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings (Hollings) scholarship program is designed to increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology, and education and foster multidisciplinary training opportunities; increase public understanding and support for stewardship of the ocean and atmosphere and improve environmental literacy; recruit and prepare students for public service careers with NOAA and other natural resource and science agencies at the federal, state and local levels of government; and recruit and prepare students for careers as teachers and educators in oceanic and atmospheric science and to improve scientific and environmental education in the United States.
Majors recruited: STEM fields that include but are not limited to: oceanic, environmental, biological, and atmospheric sciences, mathematics, engineering, remote sensing technology, physical and social sciences including geography, physics, hydrology, geomatics, or teacher education that support NOAA’s programs and mission.
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NOAA Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship Program: The EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program provides scholarships for two years of undergraduate study to rising junior undergraduate students majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields that directly support NOAA’s mission. Participants conduct research at a NOAA facility during two paid summer internships.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship: The DOE-CSGF is open to U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens who plan full-time, uninterrupted study toward a Ph.D. at an accredited U.S. university. The fellowship provides four years of support, but must be renewed each summer.
Majors recruited: STEM fields including, but not limited to: Applied mathematics, astrophysics, chemical engineering, chemistry, computer sciences, environmental sciences, life sciences, materials sciences, mechanical engineering, and physics
Deadline: Closed

Organization of Biological Field Stations: The OBFS keeps an updated list of biology-related REUs, internships, and summer courses.
Majors recruited: Life science departments (e.g. biology, ecology, botany, etc.), engineering, mathematics, and computer science.
Deadline: Closed

Cincinnati Children’s Medical Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center offers undergraduates the chance to explore clinical and basic science research in laboratories in the Department of Pediatrics with the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. The primary goal is to provide students with a foundation for making career choices in the biomedical sciences.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with an interest in biomedical research.
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SOARS at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR): Each summer, SOARS protégés spend ten weeks conducting original research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) or at laboratories of other SOARS sponsors. By the end of the summer, protégés will prepare scientific papers and present their research at a colloquium.
Majors recruited: Atmospheric and environmental sciences.
Deadline: Closed

Mayo Clinic Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: Each year, approximately 130 undergraduate students from around the U.S. come to Mayo Clinic’s campus in Rochester, Minnesota, to work beside both young and established scientists on a broad range of biomedical research questions. A limited number of fellowships are also available at the Mayo Clinic campuses in Jacksonville, Florida, and Scottsdale, Arizona.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with an emphasis on biomedical research.
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The Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: This program is intended for highly motivated undergraduates interested in a research career in the pharmaceutical and environmental sciences. Students are provided with an opportunity to conduct full-time research in areas related to Pharmacology and Toxicology, Environmental Health Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, and Clinical Pharmacy.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with an interest in biomedical research.
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Purdue University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The Purdue SURF program is helping students across engineering, science, and technology disciplines discover a world of opportunity available to them through research. By closely working with other creative and innovative people, students explore, discover, and transform ideas into reality to advance society and improve people’s lives.
Majors recruited: STEM fields, with an emphasis on engineering.
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Purdue University Summer Agriculture Data Science REEUIn this program, students will extend their data science skills in assorted areas of agriculture. Whether novice or with some experience, students will learn more in Excel, Python, Unix shell, and ArcGIS. There is a mix of some hands-on class time and independent work. The program culminates with an independent research project.
Majors recruited: STEM fields
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Gaithersburg Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The Gaithersburg, MD, Laboratories’ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for students majoring in science, mathematics, and engineering. Applications for participation in the Gaithersburg SURF program are accepted only from colleges or universities and not from individual students.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Boulder Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The Boulder, Colorado Laboratories’ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program for students majoring in science, mathematics, and engineering. Applications for participation in the Boulder SURF program are accepted only from colleges or universities and not from individual students.
Majors recruited: Science, mathematics, and engineering.
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UT Southwestern Medical Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship: The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program at UT Southwestern’s Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is an intensive summer research training experience designed for college students who are preparing for Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. careers in biomedical research. Fellows spend 10 weeks (beginning in early June and ending mid-August) pursuing individual research projects in the laboratories of Graduate School faculty members.
Majors recruited: STEM fields with a specific interest in biomedical research.
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The Field Museum Undergraduate Research Experiences (REU): The Field Museum houses one of the world’s foremost scientific collections of biological diversity (>25 million specimens), and supports active biodiversity research around the globe. Despite the urgency of the current biodiversity crisis, few educational opportunities exist for students in the biological sciences to interact with scientists and institutions dedicated to the study of organic diversity. The Field Museum REU program will train a cohort of at least eight students in biodiversity-related research in a 10-week summer program. Each participant will undertake an independent research project supervised by a museum scientist in a discipline such as taxonomy and systematics, phylo/ biogeography, paleontology, molecular phylogenetics, or conservation.
Majors recruited: STEM fields related to biodiversity and life sciences.
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Samford Biology and Chemistry Research Experience for Undergraduates: With funding from the National Science Foundation, the 2014 Samford University REU program will offer hands-on, field- and laboratory-based research experiences to US undergraduates. In this 9-week residential experience, students will work one-on-one with experienced researchers in biology and chemistry to design, conduct, and present research related to the chemistry, genetics, and ecology of organisms, populations, and communities of Oak Mountain State Park, a large and diverse suburban park located in the southern Appalachians. Potential research topics include plant and animal ecology, water quality, biochemistry, plant natural products chemistry and bioactivity, plant taxonomy, and aquatic community ecology.
Majors recruited: STEM fields interested in ecology and biochemistry.
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Development of Safe Nanomaterials for Biological Applications at Alabama State University (ASU) REU: Students will participate in a full-time closely mentored lab research project along with seminars and various professional development workshops, such as the responsible conduct of research, professional communication skills, career opportunities in academia and industry, and the graduate school application process. All research projects will be based on novel concepts of design and development of new nanomaterials for biological applications.
Majors recruited: STEM fields.
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Social Sciences + Liberal Arts Research Off-Campus Opportunities

Montgomery Summer Research Diversity Fellowships in Law and Social Science for Undergraduate Students: The American Bar Foundation sponsors a program of summer research fellowships to interest undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds in pursuing graduate study in the social sciences. The summer program is designed to introduce students to the rewards and demands of a research-oriented career in the field of law and social science.
Majors recruited: Pre-law students, social sciences and/or liberal arts.
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James Madison Memorial Fellowship: The James Madison Memorial Fellowship provides funding for aspiring social science/history teachers to attain a master’s degree. After receiving the master’s degree, each Fellow must teach American history, American government, or social studies in grades 7–12 for one full year for each academic year of funding received under a fellowship, preferably in the state from which the recipient won the fellowship.
Majors recruited: Social sciences and history.
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Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research: The ICPSR Summer Program provides a comprehensive, integrated program of studies in research design, statistics, data analysis, and social science methodology. Its instructional environment stresses the integration of methods of quantitative analysis within a broader context of substantive social research. Instruction is grounded in interactive, participatory data-analysis utilizing high-end, networked microcomputers.
Majors recruited: Social sciences.
Deadline: Varies

Urban Institute Research Assistantships: Research assistants for the Urban Institute assist senior researchers in various policy areas such as housing, welfare, population studies, health, and education policy. Incumbents will conduct literature reviews, analyses and programming tasks, as well as participate in reporting research findings and presenting data.
Majors recruited: Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Sociology, Public Policy, Computer Science, or other social science field.
Deadline: Varies

Psi Chi Psychology Scholarships: Grants are available from the national organization Psi Chi for undergraduate researchers to undertake a research project under the supervision of a mentor.
Majors recruited: Psychology
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University of South Florida REU: This NSF funded program offers undergraduate students a unique cross cultural field experience focusing on intensive interdisciplinary methodology, ethics training and mentorship. Students will gain practical experience while conducting community-based health research that brings together the social sciences with civil and environmental engineering (CEE).
Majors recruited: Anthropology, civil and environmental engineering, and public health.
Deadline: Varies

Undergraduate Research Opportunities at National Laboratories

Student Research Symposium 

The Symposium provides a unique opportunity for students to present their research, broadening their expertise and preparing them for careers in science and nontechnical fields. Students that are interested in learning more about this or in applying can contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at Auburn University.

Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)

The SULI program is sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science’s, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) in collaboration with the DOE laboratories/facilities. Links to the LANL application system, overall program information and our Symposium webpage. Please feel free to download and distribute our Student Project Description booklets to your faculty and students.

Students and Postdocs | Los Alamos National Laboratory

LANL supports robust student and post-graduate internship programs, as well as a strong and ongoing postdoc program. Learn more.

Student Internships

Learn about student programs including the High School Co-op Program, Undergraduate Program, Graduate Research Assistant Program, and the Students’ Association.

Last Modified : May 22, 2024 @ 3:13 pm