What am I allowed to submit?
Research involves systematic investigation of a question, resulting in establishment of facts or new conclusions. Original research is research that has not already been published. Only original research may be submitted to the AUJUS.
Can I submit if I am an Auburn University transfer student?
If your research was conducted while you were a student at Auburn, we encourage you to submit your paper. If it was done at your previous institution, we suggest you pursue other publication venues or look into submitting to that school’s journal.
May I submit multiple articles?
Yes, as long as all the articles are original research.
Can I publish my work elsewhere?
Each author retains his/her own copyright. However, if your work has already been accepted for publication elsewhere, you must ensure that you are not infringing on copyright for that journal. If the article has not been submitted to or published in any other publication, you may submit to AUJUS. If you wish to publish your research elsewhere in the future, consider submitting a shortened article or Research Highlight to AUJUS and save the detailed, full-length technical article for a professional journal in your field of study. A short article could be a small, self-contained portion of your research or possibly a summary that draws upon the results of the full-length article.
Can a submission have multiple authors?
We encourage jointly authored submissions if the work was done with collaborators. Collaborators can be faculty members, graduate students, or other undergraduate students who have contributed significantly to the work presented.
What if I did research at another institution as part of a summer fellowship? Can I still submit to the AUJUS?
You can submit your research as long as you were an Auburn student at the time of the research. For research articles, a faculty sponsorship form is required. For highlights, a faculty sponsorship form is not required.
Does it cost anything to be published in the AUJUS?
No, there are no charges for publication.
Will the AUJUS be available electronically or in hard copy?
All accepted work will be available electronically on the AUJUS website.
Can faculty members sponsor more than one student?
Yes, faculty members can sponsor multiple students.
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